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Remember Sleep?

You're about to.

Certified infant and child sleep consultants for children 4 months to 5 years old... Supporting families through sleep.


Supporting Families through Sleep. Check out our packages!

Whether you have a baby that is waking up multiple times a night, or a child who ends up in your bed, we can help you.

Take a look at our services to learn more!


Our Methods

At The Good Snooze, we use safe, effective methodologies that teach your baby to fall asleep on their own, and in a way that minimizes stress for parents too. We use a variation of the Ferber method that allows opportunity for you to tend to your child's needs during the process. 



  • We offer text support from 7 p.m. until your baby sleeps on Night 1. 

  • Continuous support via unlimited text messaging and scheduled phone calls

  • Located in Ottawa we offer local in home support 

  • Accepting clients virtually anywhere in the world

  • Services available in English & French

Ottawa Sleep Consultants

Sleep Guarantee

  • Major improvements in your child's sleep in just 3 nights!

  • Our clients average 6-8 hours of consecutive sleep after 1 week.

  • We work with you until your baby sleeps.

We are Ottawa Based Certified Sleep Consultants

We’ve been there—endless sleepless nights, followed by days where you don’t recognize yourself anymore. But we’ve also been to the other side, where we trained our babies to snooze all through the night, and rediscovered our own routines as a result.


Both certified by Baby’s Best Sleep, we’re educated in the scientifically proven methods that work, while still allowing a supportive, loving experience for your little one. We offer in-person support for Ottawa-based families, and virtual services across all timezones. We can’t wait to help your family get the rest you deserve (and need!).


Trained professionals. Experienced moms.


What sleep-training method do you use?

​You’ve probably heard about ranging approaches from gentle to extinction. At The Good Snooze, we use safe, effective methodologies that teach your baby to fall asleep on their own, and in a way that minimizes stress for parents too. We set your child up for sleep success while still allowing you to meet their needs and stay connected with them throughout the process.


Though we don’t use the “cry it out” method, that doesn’t mean there won’t be tears. Your baby will be learning a new skill, and like any of us, sometimes that can feel challenging. Crying is a natural expression of frustration, but you’ll be able to make sure your baby feels supported and loved as they develop their sleeping abilities.

Leanne H.

Mtl, Canada

We went from contact napping most naps (which were about 30 minutes in length) to crib naps about 1 hr each! Our little one is also sleeping 11 hours straight through the night now. Couldn't be happier with our experience with Gab! Thank you for helping us get more sleep (and for our little one too!)

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