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Your top questions answered

Get to know more about sleep-training, The Good Snooze, and how we can work with you! Think you want to work with us?

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Ottawa Sleep Consultant

What is Sleep Training?

Sleep training is a structured coaching process designed to help your child develop the ability to fall asleep independently. Various sleep training methods exist, ranging from extinction (also known as "cry it out" or CIO), to Ferber/check-ins, and the chair/fading method. At The Good Snooze, we employ a safe and scientifically supported approach that encourages your child to self-soothe and drift off to sleep on their own while allowing you to offer comfort when necessary.


When to Start Sleep Training?

Around the age of four months, your child reaches a developmental stage where they can begin learning to sleep independently. However, even before this milestone, you can lay the groundwork for healthy sleep habits while still attending to your baby's needs. We offer assistance from the newborn stage up to five years old, ensuring tailored guidance for various ages.


Sleep Training for Toddlers?

Absolutely, toddlers can benefit from sleep training too. Whether it's establishing a consistent bedtime routine, managing naps, or encouraging them to stay in their room, we can create a customized plan to address your specific challenges.

Our Sleep Training Methods As certified sleep consultants, we utilize effective and safe sleep training methodologies. Our approach prioritizes teaching your baby to self-soothe and fall asleep independently while minimizing stress for both parents and child. We don't employ the "cry it out" method, but expect some tears as your baby acquires this new skill. Rest assured, we guide you in supporting your baby emotionally throughout this process.


Do you do Nap Sleep Training ?

Yes, our sleep training plans encompass strategies for improving daytime naps as well, ensuring comprehensive sleep improvement.


Our Location and Services

 While based in Ottawa, Ontario, our virtual and phone services extend support across different time zones. For those in Ottawa seeking in-person assistance, this can be arranged for an additional fee.


Discovery Call Expectations

Our complimentary discovery call is a chance for us to understand your family's dynamics and sleep challenges. We'll discuss your goals and determine how we can assist you. Feel free to ask any questions about our methods and approach to see if we're the right fit for helping your family achieve better sleep.


Preparing for Sleep Training

We provide a straightforward sleep plan to follow, minimizing preparation requirements. However, consider acquiring a dedicated sound machine and a crib or pack-and-play if you don't have them. If your child is bed-sharing, using a bassinet, swaddled, or relying on a pacifier, we'll work on gradually transitioning away from these habits to promote independent sleep, starting on the first night of training.


Duration of Sleep Training

While some babies adapt within a few nights, we recommend committing to two consistent weeks of sleep training to ensure the newly acquired skills are firmly established.

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